Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Let's Get It Started!

Another blog I'm starting, this one with a point that hits a little closer to home.

Over the last year and a half, I have been trying to lose weight and grow into a healthier person. All of my life I have been overweight, and until I actually began this endeavor to get healthy, I never knew that I was actually obese. All I knew was that I never felt completely comfortable with my body, and never truly felt beautiful.

But that has changed drastically. I joined Weight Watchers, and with the program I have lost quite a few pounds. The highest I got in my weight loss was 48 lbs, so close to 50. But since then, I've slipped a little, and now I'm back to 39.9 lbs lost. Overall, my progress has been great, and I feel better about myself than I ever have in the past. But the last few months in particular have been particularly rough, and I'm not sure what to do in order to get back on track.

Hence why I'm here.

This blog is meant as a way for me to keep myself accountable in how I live day to day. I know a lot of you may find this boring, but this isn't so much for other readers as it is for myself. The reason why I am making it public is because if there is one person out there who is inspired by my story, as I have been by countless others that I have heard and read, then all this was worth it.

Weight loss is not easy; growing healthy is even harder. But it's something I want so badly, and I'm willing to do whatever I need to do in order to get back on track, and remember my dreams.

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