Saturday, January 9, 2010

Update from last night (that I forgot to do...)

Meant to update last night, but I forgot to do so... got caught up with some drama (nothing too big, just dealing with some moron on YT), but I'm back now, and have nothing but good things to report about last night. :)

Went to work with my dinner packed and ready, and I was determined to stay on track. Of course, as fate would have it, it wouldn't be easy... especially since I'd last worked, we had started getting items for our new theme coming in next week: Chocolate and Coffee. So now we have all kinds of new chocolate items on sale (including a 6-7 oz. Hershey's Cookies & Cream bar... which is my favorite of all the Hershey bars...), and believe me, it was hard to say no. But I did, and I was so proud of myself. I didn't buy anything to eat from work, and I managed to control myself.

Then I got home, and I was hungry - work usually stirs up my appetite - and of course, what is waiting for me there? About three unfinished pizzas. Anthony had the guys over to hang out for the night, and they had ordered pizza out. And let me tell you, if you're hungry, pizza smells really, REALLY good. But I managed to stay in control, and instead of heading for the dough and cheese swimming in grease, and instead had a small bowl of cereal and yogurt. Overall, I ended up two points under for the night.

I'm still kinda shocked at my progress. I went from not counting anything and not excercising, to sticking to an specific exercise routine and counting everything I eat. I mean, last night at work I only ate 4 Mentos from the sample box, and I wrote them down and counted them. That's more dedication than I've shown in a very long time.

Maybe I'm finally back on track. At least, I really hope that I am. :D


  1. oh geez, that pizza thing! One of my biggest weaknesses.

    it does sound like you're back on track. And you've just inspired me to grab a small bowl of cereal before I go babysit...much less likely to graze in their pantry all night if I do that!

  2. Just in case I haven’t told you lately, I am so proud of you. So proud of the young woman that have become and the progress that we have both made in the last year. You inspire me sweetheart!! You are truly beautiful both inside and out!!!
